Product Ideas: Getting more specific with locations

As a user, there are often times when you come up with product improvements based on the pain points you experience. I'll share two of my recent ideas centered around the theme of location. 

Product: LinkedIn, Indeed, and other job search sites
What: Add detailed job location (neighborhood or exact location) to job postings rather than simply a city/area. For remote jobs, allow for more detailed searches - is this remote worldwide or only remote within a certain country?
Why: From a personal perspective, I live in a large city and the job location within the city matters a lot to me. A job might be listed in the same city that I live in, but it could take over an hour to commute to the location. 
In general, for job seekers, this feature would allow them to better understand what the commute could look like. Employers would also benefit from a more relevant talent pool. Ie. job seekers can more readily self-select and employers will end up with applicants who are aware of the exact location and have agreed to it.

Product: Bunz, other trading apps
What: Allow homepage and category pages to be filtered by location, similar to search functionality
Why: Bunz allows you to filter by a location and radius when searching, but not on other pages. As a user, I feel frustrated when I see something appealing on the homepage but then find out it's too far away/inconvenient to meet up for a trade.

Bonus - Information/UX Design: One improvement I noticed was the CRA adding more information on CERB benefits. Specifically, they clearly outline your application date, which period the benefit covers, and the amount. This information is displayed prominently on the homepage once you log in.
The benefit period is especially useful as it clears up misunderstandings about potential over-payments. 


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